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to ACE


Ace Collections is a safe place where you can find life lessons and helpful tips to get you back out in the world while at the same time feeling comfortable in your own skin

10 entry-level tips to practice patience 

  1. Take deep breaths to stay calm and patient.

  2. Practice waiting for small things instead of getting them right away.

  3. Listen carefully without interrupting others.

  4. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, including yourself.

  5. Deal with frustrating situations by taking a step back and finding solutions.

  6. Try to understand and relate to other people's perspectives.

  7. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others.

  8. See delays as opportunities for growth and reflection.

  9. Practice gratitude to appreciate what you have and be patient with life.

  10. Take care of yourself physically and mentally to improve your patience.

Citrus Fruits


 Feel free to browse and take a look around! I hope you are able to find something useful.



Grow Your Tool belt for life

I hope that through this website I can guide you to improve your mood and attitude toward life 

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